A Good Old Guide For Buying Used Teak Wood Furniture

Original teak wood furniture is anything but cheap. And if you want to buy a used one, check this out. Wooden furniture (especially those made from oak, teak, and maple) lasts decades with proper maintenance. And often a piece of furniture is put on sale not because it is broken, but simply because the owner doesn’t needContinue reading “A Good Old Guide For Buying Used Teak Wood Furniture”

Plants on Your Study Table – Just Good Decoration or Is There More?

Most people consider their study table a sacred place – the reason why they invest in a quality teak wood study table that is elegant and durable. And of all the things one may keep on it, plants are among the most popular. For some, it is just to make the table look all cutesy, while othersContinue reading “Plants on Your Study Table – Just Good Decoration or Is There More?”

The Top 6 Reasons Why You Need Handcrafted Furniture

Are you among those people who want to get furniture, but aren’t quite fond of mass-produced ones? Well, the alternative available to you is handcrafted furniture, which needless to say, offers several features plus uniqueness. Furniture buyers often face this situation where they have to choose between a mass-produced and a handcrafted piece of furniture. NoContinue reading “The Top 6 Reasons Why You Need Handcrafted Furniture”

Getting a Teak Wood Study Table? Here Are Some Ideas For Customization

Don’t want your study or workspace to be boring? Check these ideas out. With the durability and low maintenance, most people prefer teak wood as the material for their study table. Choosing the material was the easy part, but after you get it home, how can you customize your teak wood study table? A boring studyContinue reading “Getting a Teak Wood Study Table? Here Are Some Ideas For Customization”

Furniture Ideas For Setting Up the Ideal Office Room In Your Home

Need a compact, versatile office room in your home? From teak wood study tables to file shelves, here are some great furniture options that you should look for. While most offices have started working offline now, it isn’t too late to set up a personal office in your home. And since any office is incomplete without furniture,Continue reading “Furniture Ideas For Setting Up the Ideal Office Room In Your Home”

Add Further Elegance to Your Home

Add Further Elegance to Your Home with Aakriti Art Creations Dining Table and Chairs Take a peek into India’s rich tribal heritage with Aakriti furniture and crafts. Are you charmed by handmade products? Then you’d find our varied range of items most pleasing, aesthetic, and durable. From kitchen items to wooden furniture, you’d find some of the best specimensContinue reading “Add Further Elegance to Your Home”

Handcrafted Home Interiors

Everyone wants their home should be more beautiful and unique for which we expand huge money to make our home interior luxurious and great to see. If you are also looking for best home interiors then you must visit Aakriti Art Store atleast once. Wide range of handcrafted home interiors like teak wood table, coffeeContinue reading “Handcrafted Home Interiors”

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